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Brass Rods

Brass Rods


We are renowned name in market for high quality brass rods in rounds, hex, squares, & flat bars. As the leading manufacturer of extruded brass rods, our aim is to produce brass rods that meet all desired standard requirements for various Engineering, Electrical, Electronics, Automobiles, Building Hardware and Sanitary fitting industries.

Depending on the alloy and the requirement of the customer material may be supplied in soft, hard, bendable, high-tensile, wear and corrosion-resistant, as desired.

Size Range

Rounds : 1.5 mm - 90 mm, Hex : 1.5 mm - 90 mm, Squares : 1.5 mm - 90 mm, All round rods until size 90 mm, hex rods until 55 mm and square rods until 51 mm will be supplied with drawn process and rest shall be supplied in as extrude condition.

Brass Rods
Brass Rods
Brass Rods
Brass Rods